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Revisiting the Trail of Tears: Tribal Control and Environmental Justice

image of old Oklahoma map designating "Indian Territory"

In early October 2020, the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency sent a letter to Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt. The letter granted Stitt environmental regulatory control over all of the tribal lands in the state. Among other things, this gives Stitt the power to determine whether hazardous waste can be dumped on tribal lands, the ability to make decisions regarding whether and where fracking can take place, and the ability to determine if and where large-scale industrial animal agriculture, with all its attendant pollution, can operate in tribal jurisdictions.

This development is yet another chapter of a disturbing story. In the early to mid-19th century, tribes of indigenous people occupied ancestral lands in states such as Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. These tribes were the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee. It didn’t take long for some American whites to realize that the land populated by these tribes was valuable. Many members of the white population had aspirations to attain the land in order to grow cotton on it — cotton that would be picked by African slaves. In 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, a piece of legislation that allowed congress to “trade” Southern lands with much promise as fertile soil for the growth of cotton for “Indian colonization” lands across the Mississippi River. What these trades meant in practice was that native populations were relocated from their ancestral lands to places to which they had no connections. In many cases they were removed from their lands forcibly. They were not provided with supplies or support on their journey to their new home. The path was long and treacherous, and many native travelers did not survive. The procession came to be known as the “Trail of Tears.”

Some of the members of the five tribes that survived this journey settled in reservation lands in eastern Oklahoma, which at the time was not a state. The tribal land comprised a significant portion of what is now the state. In many respects, in recent years the government of Oklahoma has increasingly treated native persons as if they have no rights over their own lands. Many people in power in the region are of the opinion that the reservation status of the eastern part of the state was disestablished in 1907 when Oklahoma was admitted into the union. The state has argued that the disestablishment occurred during the “allotment” process, when the land was divided up and treated as individually owned by members of the respective tribes.

The question of whether Five Tribes reservations had been disestablished was resolved by the United States Supreme Court in July 2020. Two cases generated the controversy. In one case, Patrick Murphy, a member of the Creek Nation, was accused of committing a murder. He was convicted and sentenced by the state of Oklahoma. If native persons live on federal reservations, they are subject only to tribal and federal law. Murphy contended that he was tried in the wrong jurisdiction — he should have been tried not by the state but by the federal government. The second case was a case in which Jimcy McGirt was tried and convicted by the State of Oklahoma. He was given two sentences of 500 years for raping a four-year-old girl. On appeal, counsel for McGirt argued that, because the crime took place on the soil of the reservation, McGirt, too, was sentenced in the wrong jurisdiction. Representatives of the State of Oklahoma contended that the lands occupied by the Five Tribes are no longer established reservations. The Supreme Court disagreed, finding no evidence that reservation status had at any time been revoked. Writing for the majority, Justice Gorsuch said,

“The federal government promised the Creek a reservation in perpetuity. Over time, Congress has diminished that reservation. It has sometimes restricted and other times expanded the tribe’s authority. But Congress has never withdrawn the promised reservation. As a result, many of the arguments before us today follow a sadly familiar pattern. Yes, promises were made, but the price of keeping them has become too great, so now we should just cast a blind eye. We reject that thinking. If Congress wishes to withdraw its promises, it must say so. Unlawful acts, performed long enough and with sufficient vigor, are never enough to amend the law. To hold otherwise would be to elevate the most brazen and longstanding injustices over the law, both rewarding wrong and failing those in the right.”

News agencies reported this opinion as a “landmark decision” by the Supreme Court. The opinion acknowledged the historic and continued injustice endured by members of these tribes and it demanded that the government keep its promises. In the wake of the decision, many speculated that tribal members would have more of a voice in decisions about the environment as it relates to their lands. In particular, they would have some say in the construction of pipelines and other potentially environmentally devastating projects. They might also have some regulatory authority over oil and gas. The actions of the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency demonstrate that they have no intention of respecting tribal input or the decision of the Supreme Court.

Those sympathetic to the EPA’s position argue that land is a finite resource. It’s unfortunate that we may sometimes have to break centuries-old promises, but the consequences justify doing so. State officials have obligations to their local economies. They can’t bring about economic growth and prosperity if nearly half of the state is off limits to any kind of expansive action. What’s more, Oklahoma is oil-rich; it produces 5% of the nation’s crude oil. This is a critical energy source, and these, too, are finite. As harsh as it may sound, some argue that access to important resources shouldn’t be denied because our great, great, great grandparents made promises. At the time at which they made those promises they weren’t fully informed about what they were bartering away. In response, one might argue that no one was “bartering” over anything. Native lands were stolen, and people were killed and displaced. Reservations aren’t a gift nor did they come about as a result of a free and fair trade.

Critics of the EPA’s actions argue further that economic growth need not be a society’s perpetual goal. Perhaps it’s time to finally focus on sustainability instead. The resources that Oklahoma seeks to exploit on tribal lands are resources that should be replaced with green alternatives anyway. Some writers have argued that the fact that our country is always barreling toward economic growth at least partially explains why indigenous knowledge regarding environmental practices is so often overlooked. For example, in Indigenous Knowledge and Technology, Creating Justice in the Twenty-First Century, Linda Robyn argues,

“The legacy of fifteenth-century European colonial domination placed Indigenous knowledge in the categories of primitive, simple, ‘not knowledge,’ or folklore. It comes as no surprise then that through the process of colonization Indigenous knowledge and perspectives have been ignored and denigrated by the vast majority of social, physical, biological and agricultural scientists, and governments using colonial powers to exploit Indigenous resources.”

Members of native tribes have critical insight to share regarding environmental issues. Not only do they know their lands well, they also have rich history, cultural customs, and practical wisdom regarding sustainable environmental practices. Colonizers and other opportunists have never cared much about this wisdom because sustainability was never the goal.

Nearly three hundred years after the Trail of Tears, little has changed when it comes to how some Americans view tribal lands. Growing cotton isn’t as profitable without all the free forced labor, but profiteers still lick their lips and look to tribal lands for other business ventures.

The United States Government’s Lapsed Duty to Provide Safe Drinking Water

Photograph of "Water Pickup" sign in Flint, Michigan

Most of us do not think about the water we are drinking. We do not realize the processes that our water undergoes to be safe for us to consume. Whenever I want some water, I head to the kitchen and fill up my HydroFlask. However, many United States citizens do not have that same luxury. The New York Times recently published a map showing the parts of the United States that are consistently failing to meet the standards of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Researchers have found that since 1987, anywhere from 3 to 10 percent of the United States’ water systems have been in violation of the act. That means a significant amount of Americans are drinking unhealthy water. Continue reading “The United States Government’s Lapsed Duty to Provide Safe Drinking Water”

Disbanding the EPA: Is it Ethical?

Last week, Democrats in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee sat out Scott Pruitt’s confirmation vote. Pruitt had been nominated by President Trump as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and was heavily criticized for his history of accepting money from anti-environmental interest groups. Though this was heralded as a virtuous political statement, the Republicans on the committee managed to approve the vote by changing the rules of Senate appointments. Though many environmentalists see this appointment as the end of the EPA as we know it, the appointment of Scott Pruitt is not the most serious threat to the EPA. Florida Representative Matt Gaetz recently introduced H.R. 861, which has the sole purpose “To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.” Though many might consider nominating a man with no scientific background and conflicts of interest to head the EPA as unethical, what are the ethics of completely disbanding the Environmental Protection Agency as a whole?

Continue reading “Disbanding the EPA: Is it Ethical?”

Future of the Environment Under a Trump Presidency

This past week, following his presidential victory, president-elect Donald Trump named Myron Ebell, a staunch dissenter on climate change, as his head of transition committee for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Alongside Ebell’s nomination, Sarah Palin and Forrest Lucas have been names mentioned in possible positions within the Department of Interior and Department of Energy. The implications these nominations hold  for the future of American environmental policies and climate carry major weight. To fully digest these implications, one must look into Trump’s environmental stances and those of his possible future nominations.

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Absent Perpetrator and Action-Less Bystander in East Chicago

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The small Indiana town of East Chicago sits roughly 25 miles southeast of downtown Chicago. In late July, East Chicago’s mayor and the Environmental Protection Agency began informing residents that their soil had been contaminated with lead since at least 2014. But it was only a few weeks ago that the city began the process of evacuating nearly 1200 residents out of their housing complexes. The reason for this evacuation coincides with the rich industrial history of East Chicago: the smelting of lead.

Like many cities near the northernmost Indiana-Illinois border, East Chicago was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution. Known for not only its steel production but also its large population of immigrants, East Chicago was once hailed as “The Arsenal of America,” and proof that America was truly a melting pot. East Chicago’s present, however, looks very different than its past.The median household income of East Chicago is over $20,000 less than the Indiana average. On top of economic hardship, East Chicago residents are facing an environmental health crisis.  

Lead is one of the most heavily regulated pollutants in the United States, with 7 major environmental policies monitoring its presence in air, water, soil and buildings. Despite the definite confidence that lead is toxic to humans and other animals, many industrial processes once used it heavily. In fact, between 1920 and 1985, East Chicago was home to two different lead refineries, U.S.S. Lead and Anaconda Lead. Though Anaconda Lead shut down in 1936, and U.S.S. Lead in 1985, an inspection by the EPA found the area around each factory to be toxic enough to potentially qualify as a Superfund Site. At this point, U.S.S. Lead’s parent company, Sharon Steel Corp, declared bankruptcy and the EPA did not receive the permission to deem the 72 acre area as a Superfund Site. The EPA finally declared the area a Superfund Site 17 years later, in 2009.

Since the discovery of lead contamination, the EPA has sued U.S.S. Lead twice, once in 1991 and again in 2012, though the ownership of U.S.S. Lead fell under the title of the Atlantic Richfield Company and E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. During both of these lawsuits, and the time in between, residents of a 346-unit housing complex built in the 1970’s were actually living on the contaminated soil, with no knowledge of their proximity to toxic levels of lead. To put that in perspective, two entire generations of people were exposed to high levels of lead – in some areas, 228 times the EPA’s maximum level of safe exposure.

The situation in East Chicago is a crisis that demands justice, but who is at fault? The EPA states its mission “is to protect human health and the environment.” The EPA has been aware of dangerous levels of lead in East Chicago’s soil for over two decades, but has failed to begin cleaning up the site at all. Some may point out that this stems from the complicated process of declaring an area as a Superfund priority. However, it appears as though the EPA simply gave up or forgot about the area for nearly 20 years, despite the immediate threat it posed to human health.  In addition, between 1992 and 2009, the EPA declared four additional areas as Superfund Sites in Indiana, 3 of which were less toxic than the U.S.S. Site. Every one of these sites –  Terre Haute, Elkhart, Evansville, and Westfield has a higher median household income and percentage of white citizens than East Chicago. Is it fair to say that the EPA not only ignored this public health crisis, but did so because of institutional racism and classism?

On the other hand, some might blame the very companies that are responsible for contaminating the area as most responsible. After all, if it wasn’t for U.S.S. Lead and Anaconda Lead, wouldn’t the area be safe for habitation? Even though lead was not heavily regulated until 1992, lead has been known to be a toxic substance since the 19th century. Mishandling a known toxic substance might be reason enough to blame only the lead refineries. Additionally, it took U.S.S. Lead’s subsidiaries two years to respond and settle the 2012 lawsuit with the EPA. Some might point out that neither company that polluted the area still exists, and it is nearly impossible to pin blame when U.S.S. Lead has changed ownership so many times. However, isn’t the same argument valid with the EPA as well? Since 1992, the EPA has had 14 different head administrators.

Thankfully, the EPA’s 2012 lawsuit against Atlantic Richfield Company and E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. resulted in a $26 million settlement to begin cleaning up the area. Unfortunately, irreversible damage has already been done to citizens of East Chicago. Who is more morally corrupt: the perpetrator or the action-less bystander? How can we hold entities responsible for causing or allowing environmental damage and human health crises to occur? Is it possible or right to seek justice when the perpetrators of such acts are not still in power or even alive?

Perhaps the problem lies in attempting to hold people accountable for their actions, and lack thereof, of multiple entities over decades. The longevity of a crime should not determine its likelihood of meeting justice, but that seems to be the problem.The perpetrator is absent from the crime and there are too many action-less bystanders to blame. Ironically, the people of East Chicago have been blindly suffering for too long to find peace in holding anyone accountable.

Businesses Feel the Burn of Increased Environmental Regulation

On October 1, the Obama administration released a new environmental regulation concerning smog. For those of you that don’t know, smog is an air pollutant that gets its name from a mash-up of the words smoke and fog. It was first seen in London, where clouds of smoke and sulfur would mix with fog to create a thick haze that would hang over the city. While still associated with coal burning, it is now known that VOCs and airborne particulate matter called ozone can also be responsible. The recent law limits the amount of ozone that can be released from factory smokestacks and tailpipes with the intention of reducing smog.

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Politicizing a Tragedy, 30 Years after Bhopal

One would certainly hope that, as far as environmental regulation goes, we are better off than we were fifty years ago. We would hope that novels like Rachel Carson’s ground-shifting Silent Spring, a work chronicling the dangers of the U.S. chemical industry, have made enough of an effect to prevent the author’s dystopian predictions from becoming a reality.

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