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IEB Online

Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, without the borders.

The Prindle Institute for Ethics is the new institutional home of the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Online Regional Competition. First established in 2021, IEB Online is designed to provide a premiere Ethics Bowl experience for students and teams who prefer an online experience, or who are unable to travel for participation in more traditional APPE IEB Regional Competitions. Please review below for eligibility requirements, registration information, event details, and more. 

2024 Event Details

The 2024 IEB Online Regional Competition is scheduled for Saturday, November 23, 2024, and will be conducted online in a series of video conference “rooms” via Zoom. Unless otherwise noted, the IEB Online Regional Competition will follow the same rules and procedures as the APPE IEB National Championship.

Competition will feature three preliminary rounds featuring all 18 participating teams in random matchups, a semi-final elimination round with four teams advancing, and a championship match between the final two remaining teams. Discussions will focus on the full APPE IEB Regional Case Set. A number of bids to participate in the APPE IEB National Championship will be extended to teams based on final competitive placement, and the number of available bids will be announced in advance of the event. Please contact us with any questions or concerns that may arise during preparation.



Team Dashboard



Team Eligibility and Registration

The IEB Online Regional Competition is open to all teams eligible for participation in the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl program generally, up to a cap of 18 teams. However, first priority in registration will be given to those teams which seek to qualify for the APPE IEB National Championship under APPE IEB’s rules, and which have compelling reasons for not attending the geographically closest Regional Competition (e.g., geographic or travel restrictions, financial restrictions or hardship, major university timing issues, and other reasons determined sufficient by the regional organizer). As space allows, additional teams may register after an initial registration period.  Once bids to the APPE IEB National Championship have been allocated for 2024-2025, no changes may be made to regional qualification decisions.

Team registration for 2024-2025 will open on September 6, 2024 and should be completed on the main APPE IEB website. Teams which designate the IEB Online Regional Competition as their qualifying event may register beginning on this date. On September 30, registration will open to additional teams from schools which designate another APPE IEB Regional Competition as their qualifying event. On October 15, registration will open to secondary teams from schools already participating in the IEB Online Regional Competition, as space allows. All registrations must be received by October 30, 2024. All teams are required to pay an APPE IEB registration fee of $130, due at the time of registration. There is no additional fee for participation in the IEB Online Regional Competition.


The team roster for IEB Online 2024 has now filled. Invitations will be extended to waitlisted teams in the event of any roster changes. 


Join the Waitlist



Volunteer Information

The IEB Online Regional, and Ethics Bowl in general, is powered by volunteer Judges and Moderators. The claim that we couldn’t do it without your help is no exaggeration! Our volunteers are crucial to providing a great learning experience in constructive moral discussion for some of the best and brightest students from all around the country.

As a Judge, you will play a crucial role in helping students reason ethically about a wide variety of challenging issues and engage productively in contexts of disagreement. Unlike typical debate competitions, Ethics Bowl rewards students for the depth and breadth of their thought, their ability to think carefully about complex problems, and the consideration they display of the diverse perspectives of their peers. Judges will evaluate individual matches using these criteria, and engage in Q&A sessions with each team during matches to which they are assigned. No prior or specialized expertise is necessary to volunteer as a Judge, and training sessions will be provided in advance of the event.

As a Moderator, you will play a crucial role in setting up and running individual match rooms, and providing students a fruitful, fun, and inclusive space for constructive conversation. Moderators set the agenda (case, question, etc.) for each match, keep time, and enforce APPE IEB’s rules. As is the case with Judges, no prior or specialized expertise is necessary to volunteer as a Moderator (though previous Ethics Bowl experience is a plus), and training sessions will be provided in advance of the event.


Volunteer Interest Form



Organizer Contact

Alex Richardson, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Content Strategy and Engagement
The Prindle Institute for Ethics
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
DePauw University




Visit our campus.


2961 W County Road 225 S
Greencastle, IN 46135




Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Monday-Sunday: Sunrise to Sunset