COVID-19 Lauren LaMore | 8 Apr 2021 Underrepresentation in Clinical Trials and COVID-19 Our dedication to the value of efficiency means that the historically marginalized stay marginalized.
COVID-19 A.G. Holdier | 30 Mar 2021 Why Anti-Vaxxers Are (Kind of) Like Marxists The co-commitments of abortion-based anti-vaccine rhetoric seem to produce untenable results.
Scarce Goods and Rationalization We're getting awfully good at spinning selfishness as altruism. 16 Mar 2021 | Marshall Bierson
Incentivizing the Vaccine-Hesitant Should our vaccination strategy be aimed at changing hearts and minds or merely changing behavior? 3 Mar 2021 | Martina Orlandi
The Ethics of Vaccination Passports The coronavirus has exposed and exacerbated all sorts of inequalities. A new policy proposal only compounds the problem. 25 Feb 2021 | Katherine Hennessey
Time to Let Up or Double Down? Even with vaccination rollout underway, it's still too early to consider the long-anticipated return to normal. 13 Jan 2021 | Meredith McFadden
Why I Am Not like You: The Ethics of Exceptions When it comes to coronavirus regulations, what relevant considerations might make some exempt from the general rule? 5 Jan 2021 | Marshall Bierson
The Bigger Problem with “COVID Conga Lines” In this together? What can the rights and responsibilities of Dewey's public tell us about our current predicament? 4 Jan 2021 | A.G. Holdier
The Moral Need for Public Conversation about Rights in a Pandemic World The 'folk' conception of rights is a major obstacle to combating the pandemic. Perhaps it's time we had a talk about the limits of personal liberty. 16 Dec 2020 | Matthew S.W. Silk
Duties to Vaccinate, Duties to Inform How might we best communicate the science to those who remain skeptical? What role do each of us have to play? 15 Dec 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
This for That: Trading Vaccinations for Stimulus Checks Should citizens refusing vaccination be denied a stimulus check? Is this proposal really any different from school immunizations? 11 Dec 2020 | Tucker Sechrest
For-Profit Coronavirus Vaccines Whatever the market can bear? Does private enterprise owe anything to public health? 1 Dec 2020 | Kiara Goodwine
Should I Stay, or Should I Go: Holidays in the Age of Coronavirus The burden of isolation is heavy, but the risk of get-togethers is great. 20 Nov 2020 | Katherine Hennessey
Expertise and the “Building Distrust” of Public Health Agencies When it comes to public health, is one voice just as good as any other? And what might be the requirements for justified disbelief? 6 Nov 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
Medical Privacy and the Public's Right to Know How can we determine when public interest should trump politician's personal rights? 22 Oct 2020 | Marshall Bierson
The Continued Saga of Education During COVID-19 How can we design an educational model in our current circumstances that might serve everyone's needs from children to parents to teachers? 24 Sep 2020 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Waiting for a Coronavirus Vaccine? Watch Out for Self-Deception Optimism can sometimes infect belief-formation. And once it takes hold, it's extremely difficult to uncouple. 23 Sep 2020 | Martina Orlandi
Anti-Maskers and the Dangers of Collective Endorsement Anonymity in the online environment renders expertise obsolete. Do facts stand a chance? 22 Sep 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
Causality and the Coronavirus The difficulty in grasping technical relations like 'causation'—aided by the spread of misinformation on social media—is leading the public to misinterpret (and misrepresent) key data. 18 Sep 2020 | Kevin Lanning and Ashley Kennedy
Against Abstinence-Based COVID-19 Policies Colleges' policies regarding students and gatherings offers another lesson about using ideal theory in a non-ideal world. 7 Sep 2020 | A.G. Holdier
On "Doing Your Own Research" For many, the pandemic is only further tarnishing science's name. But we need to raise the bar for what does (and does not) constitute research. 25 Aug 2020 | A.G. Holdier
Who Should Get the Vaccine First? Our basic equality needs to be respected in processes that determine who gets what. 21 Aug 2020 | Benjamin Rossi