58 Articles
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Mes Aynak's Intrinsic Cultural Value
One of the many reasons that weighing ethical dilemmas is such a challenge is because we’re often faced with a conflict between measurable and immeasurable value. We see this often in relation to environmental issues. Because we can’t … Continue reading "Mes Aynak’s Intrinsic Cultural Value"

Ethics in 5: Printerns on Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Every week, the Prindle Intern team weighs in on an ethical issue together. Each intern is challenged to keep their response to five sentences – Ethics in 5. Click on … Continue reading "Ethics in 5: Printerns on Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act"

Indiana Controversies Continue: New Developments in the Abortion Debate
As if the Religious Freedom Restoration Act wasn’t controversial enough, Indiana is the setting for another story that hits right at the heart of social policy debates that have come to … Continue reading "Indiana Controversies Continue: New Developments in the Abortion Debate"
Prindle to Host Discussion on Religious Freedom Bill
The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act has put Indiana in the national spotlight. People on both sides feel that there has been an affront to deeply held personal convictions. Some … Continue reading "Prindle to Host Discussion on Religious Freedom Bill"
Cultural Appropriation Dinner & Discussion on Oct.13
Come out to Prindle on Monday, October 13 at 5:30 PM for a dinner and discussion about the ethics of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation occurs when someone from one culture … Continue reading "Cultural Appropriation Dinner & Discussion on Oct.13"

Can moral laws exist without God? A brief introduction to "Robust Ethics"
Last week we published the abstract of Erik Wielenberg’s new book, Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism. In this guest post, Wielenberg, Professor of Philosophy at DePauw … Continue reading "Can moral laws exist without God? A brief introduction to “Robust Ethics”"

Professor Erik Wielenberg publishes "Robust Ethics"
DePauw Philosophy professor Erik Wielenberg has recently published his third book entitled Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism. In his latest work, “[Wielenberg] draws on recent work in analytic philosophy and … Continue reading "Professor Erik Wielenberg publishes “Robust Ethics”"