Business Evan Butts | 31 Oct 2019 McKamey Manor: The House of No Consent Haunted houses, like McKamey Manor, put unusual pressure on our traditional understanding of consent and autonomy.
Business A.G. Holdier | 25 Sep 2019 Incentive, Risk, and Oversight in the Pork Industry Recent deregulation in the slaughterhouse will effectively mean no one is watching the watchmen. What does true oversight require?
Toronto vs. Chick-Fil-A: Only About Chicken? When corporations express ideological positions can we truly separate what it is to be a patron from what it is to be a supporter? 18 Sep 2019 | Kenneth Boyd
Jay-Z and Colin Kaepernick: Is It Business or Personal? What responsibility, if any, does JAY-Z have with regards to Colin Kaepernick and his partnership with the NFL? 3 Sep 2019 | Byron Mason II
Jay-Z and the NFL: Hypocrisy or Suite Participation? What, if any, obligation does Jay-Z, as a high-profile advocate for social justice and a recognizable brand, have to not condone or distract from the NFL's many public relation problems? 2 Sep 2019 | Kenneth Boyd
What’s In a Name? The Morality in “Meat” Recent legal challenges to the use of 'meat' and 'milk' labels for alternatives (from Tofurky to soymilk and even in vitro meat) lack legal weight and moral reason. 21 Aug 2019 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights: DNA Data Collection in Xinjiang A coercive data collection campaign in China raises questions about corporate complicity. What obligation, if any, do companies have when their goods are being used to cause harm or violate others' rights? 16 Aug 2019 | Luka Ignac
The California Housing Crisis and Collective Action California's housing shortage touches on everything: privilege, fairness, class conflict, and free-riders. 2 Aug 2019 | Tucker Sechrest
Plant-Based Meat Substitutes, Sensational Reporting, and Information Literacy The media's treatment of recent plant-based meat rollouts fails to give the significant moral gains their due. 16 Jul 2019 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Farmworker Abuse and Agricultural Exceptionalism Farmwork has been treated much differently than other forms of labor. Is this difference justified or is it time for change? 9 Jul 2019 | A.G. Holdier
Do Women’s Soccer Players Deserve Equal Pay for Equal Play? In assessing the different sides of the debate there are a number of relevant factors at play from relative commercial value to social message and even historical injustice. 3 Jul 2019 | Alfred Archer
Sephora and Diversity Training Diversity training is being used more and more often in the wake of incidents of racial bias. Is it more than a mea culpa? 12 Jun 2019 | Kenneth Boyd
Does Care Require Personhood? The Ethics of Robot Caregiving Emerging healthcare technologies like Rudy, Addison, and PARO should prompt us to reassess the healthcare industry and to contemplate the difference between service and care. 7 Jun 2019 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Establishing Liability in Artificial Intelligence Algorithms are capable of causing harm, but it isn't easy to identify who should be held accountable when they do. 3 Jun 2019 | Meredith McFadden
Kylie Jenner and the Possibility of Being "Self-Made" What can a controversy over the "self-made" title tell us about privilege and inequality? 10 May 2019 | Meredith McFadden
The Ethics of Brand Humanization Corporations' push to attract a marketing-resistant demographic is producing some troubling effects. 29 Apr 2019 | Beatrice Harvey
Airplane Crashes and the Diffusion of Responsibility How can we evaluate moral responsibility in cases like the Boeing airplane crashes? 16 Apr 2019 | Andrew Bobker
Permalancing and What it Means for Work “Full-time freelancing” is becoming the norm for more and more American workers. What does this trend mean? 2 Apr 2019 | Kenneth Boyd
What is Rentier Capitalism? How ethical is economic rent implemented broadly in the context of capitalism? 12 Mar 2019 | Amy Elyse Gordon
Should Pointless Jobs Exist? Both Marxists and capitalists predicted we'd have to do less work in the 21st century, so why do so many "pointless" jobs exist? 27 Nov 2018 | Amy Elyse Gordon
Who Can Help? Who Should? Being a Billionaire in a Suffering Society Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' decision to donate money to finance preschools and battle homelessness might be good. But is it enough? 28 Sep 2018 | Meredith McFadden
Is Google Obligated to Stay out of China? Google has long held out from entering the Chinese market, but profits may change their minds. 17 Sep 2018 | Kenneth Boyd