Technology Rachel Robison-Greene | 27 Sep 2021 Resurrection Through Chatbot? What are we to make of the latest example of technology's seemingly constant encroachment on the sacred?
Technology Kiara Goodwine | 30 Jul 2021 Trump v. Facebook, and the Future of Free Speech What kind of public good do the big tech companies provide? Who should have the right to police that space?
Will the Real Anthony Bourdain Please Stand Up? What might be the moral core of controversy behind a hubbub over a seemingly benign deepfake? 26 Jul 2021 | Richard Gibson
“Fake News” Is Not Dangerously Overblown All the commotion surrounding "fake news" suggests a larger concern over the way online speech works generally. 7 Jun 2021 | A.G. Holdier
Is Fake News Dangerously Overblown? How big and how real a threat must fake news represent to warrant significant intervention? 3 Jun 2021 | Jimmy Alfonso Licon
Do Hashtags Make Political Discourse Worse? What are the drawbacks and advantages of our political discourse migrating to social media platforms? 6 Apr 2021 | Matthew S.W. Silk
Facebook Groups and Responsibility Being conscious of our online behavior is the first step in combating misinformation. 23 Mar 2021 | Kenneth Boyd
QAnon and Two Johns Recent events once again require us to explain on what grounds we might justify social restrictions to speech. 19 Mar 2021 | Andrew Conarty
In the Limelight: Ethics for Journalists as Public Figures Does journalists' use of social media undermine the field's commitment to objectivity? 17 Mar 2021 | Abigail McArthur-Self
Is the Future of News a Moral Question? Do we have a democratic obligation to protect newspapers and local journalism from extinction? 8 Feb 2021 | Matthew S.W. Silk
Ethical Considerations of Deepfakes Is there any way the development of media manipulation technology might be justified despite the many possibilities and opportunities for abuse? 7 Dec 2020 | Kiara Goodwine
Anti-Maskers and the Dangers of Collective Endorsement Anonymity in the online environment renders expertise obsolete. Do facts stand a chance? 22 Sep 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
Parler and the Problems of a “Free Speech” Social Network Does the airing of slanted and inaccurate views really get us any closer to the truth? Is censorship really so detrimental to meaningful public debate? 15 Jul 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
Retweets, Endorsements, and Indirect Speech Acts How should we understand the speech act of retweeting? What are we signaling and what are we not? When, if ever, might condemnation be appropriate? 3 Jul 2020 | Josh Habgood-Coote
Regulating Companies to Free People’s Speech Government's claim to be the last word on free speech raises a number of legal and philosophical challenges. 29 May 2020 | Evan Butts
The Quandary of Contact-Tracing Tech Different governments' contact tracing strategies raise important questions about public health and personal privacy. 26 May 2020 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Conspiracy Theories and Emotions in the Time of Coronavirus We need to rethink our relation to the news; the common ways we acquire and share information is tapping into some of our worst impulses. 18 May 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
When It Comes to Privacy, We Shouldn't Have to "EARN-IT" The push to hold Facebook and Pinterest accountable for illicit material circulated by private users on their sites may also undermine our internet privacy and put limits on free speech. 31 Mar 2020 | Alexander Spencer
Twitter Bots and Trust The anonymity surrounding users' twitter accounts make it extremely difficult to determine the reliability of information. How should we proceed? 26 Feb 2020 | Kenneth Boyd
Sensorvault and Ring: Private-Sector Data Collection Meets Law Enforcement Digital profiling tools (like Google's Sensorvault) and surveillance gadgets (like Amazon's Ring) pose a significant threat to our privacy and blur the line between corporate and government interests. 13 Feb 2020 | CJ Yoannou
Owning a Monopoly on Knowledge Production The epistemic impact of Google and Facebook's monopoly on information and communication poses a very real problem. 10 Feb 2020 | Matthew S.W. Silk
Twitter and Disinformation Proposed changes to Twitter raise interesting questions about community policing, the resilience of truth, and the value of the platform. 29 Jan 2020 | Kenneth Boyd