Health & Wellness Sarah Ertelt | 16 Mar 2017 Taxing Sugar to Fight Obesity On the benefits and consequences of a federal sugar tax.
Health & Wellness Gail Enright | 20 Dec 2016 The Nutritional Ethics of Hidden Vegetables Hiding vegetables in processed foods or from children negative effect on developing healthy eating habits and long-term nutrition.
A Post-Antibiotic Era: Antibiotics and Food The prevalence of antibiotics in food could pose serious public health concerns, including the development of antibiotic-resistant, incurable infections. 2 Oct 2016 | Gail Enright
Outdoor Exercise Versus Air Pollution How should communities balance the benefits of exercise with the dangers of air pollution? 9 May 2016 | Erin Law
Indiana and Its Corn Fields Corn and soybeans are profitable crops, as evident by their popularity. But have these crops sneakily done more to our lives than simply give us soy butter and popcorn? 4 May 2016 | Keely McFall
The Social Welfare of Child Maltreatment Prevention Classes teaching parents childrearing techniques have been suggested to reduce rates of maltreatment. But are such approaches enough? 7 Apr 2016 | Erin Law
Ethics of "Over-the-Counter" Birth Control Birth control access has been a long debated issue in the United States. Obtaining birth control methods usually means women must go to a doctor’s office in order to obtain … Continue reading "Ethics of “Over-the-Counter” Birth Control" 15 Jan 2016 | Amy Brown
Employee Wellness vs. Privacy in Houston Employers in Houston, TX are requiring employees to subscribe to online wellness trackers. Are employees' privacy at risk? 12 Oct 2015 | Anna Dehnke