Civics Resources Rachel Robison-Greene | 4 May 2017 Homeless in Utah, Desperately Seeking a Backyard "Not in my backyard" has combined with gentrification to create a harmful force affecting Utah's homeless.
Environment Kiara Goodwine | 27 Apr 2017 Is Activism the Most Ethical Way to Fight Climate Change? Activism has become a powerful and targeted tool in the Trump era. Is it useful for fighting massive problems like climate change?
What Happened at Ramjas: Tyranny of the Nation The violent protests at India's Ramjas College have as much to do with nationalism as they do free speech. 12 Apr 2017 | Summer Pappachen
Peter Singer and the Ethics of Effective Altruism Peter Singer has advocated for a form of altruism that prioritizes the effectiveness of aid in lessening suffering above all else. What are the implications of his position? 10 Apr 2017 | Pamela J. Hobart
The Ethics of an Atheist Pope Pope Francis has not said he is an atheist, but he has made statements supporting atheism over hypocrisy. What would the implications be if the Pope were an atheist? 7 Apr 2017 | Gabriel Andrade
Should We Avoid or Engage Moral Dilemmas? When confronting a moral dilemma, is it better to engage with the issue or avoid getting involved entirely? 6 Apr 2017 | Rachel Robison-Greene
What Happened at Ramjas : A Voiceless India Violent protests at India's Ramjas College have threatened the role of free speech in Indian society. 5 Apr 2017 | Summer Pappachen
Respecting the Dead: The Case of Charles Byrne, the Irish Giant What does the examination of Charles Byrne's body after death, against his wishes, say about respecting the dead? 4 Apr 2017 | Daniel Beck
Peter Singer and the Ethics of Eugenics Pamela J. Hobart argues that more nuance is needed when deciding what counts as eugenics, and whether eugenics can be ethical. 27 Mar 2017 | Pamela J. Hobart
Move Over, Mercator: World Maps in Boston's Public Schools On changing to the Gall-Peters world map projection in Boston's public schools. 22 Mar 2017 | Amy Brown
Does the United States Steal Nurses from the Developing World? Nurses from developing countries often leave for jobs in the United States or the United Kingdom, leaving the healthcare systems of their home countries struggling. 20 Mar 2017 | Daniel Beck
DACA and the Dangers of College Campuses Donald Trump's threat to repeal DACA puts universities with undocumented students in a difficult position. 14 Mar 2017 | Peper Langhout
Should Private Schools be Outlawed? Public education advocates grapple with a thorny issue: should parents help their children succeed, even through unequal methods? 3 Mar 2017 | Daniel Beck
On Providing Safe Spaces for Drug Use When fighting addiction, should societies try to discourage dangerous behavior or limit its effects? 2 Mar 2017 | Meredith McFadden
Loitering, Jaywalking, Mopery: Crime or Punishment? Selective enforcement of laws for offenses like loitering effectively weaponize cities against the homeless. 20 Feb 2017 | Peper Langhout
Dissecting "America First" Evaluating Donald Trump's signature blend of isolationism and political realism. 17 Feb 2017 | Summer Pappachen
Will Robots Ever Deserve Moral and Legal Rights? As artificial intelligence continues to develop, philosophy offers two possible criteria for granting robots rights. 10 Feb 2017 | Daniel Beck
What Does It Mean To Be Implicitly Biased? Analysis of the Implicit Association Test reveals that implicit bias may be more difficult to detect than often thought. 6 Feb 2017 | Pamela J. Hobart
Marching on the Metro: The Inauguration and the Women's March The inauguration of Donald Trump and the Women's March on Washington drew strikingly different crowds into America's capital, as seen on public transport. 31 Jan 2017 | Amy Brown
What Democracy Looks Like Reflections on protest and the benefit of chaos in the Trump era. 30 Jan 2017 | Conner Gordon
The Moral Consequences of Protecting American Jobs Is it moral to prioritize saving American jobs over the non-American jobs lost in the process? 12 Jan 2017 | Daniel Beck
When Oppressors Repent, Who Deserves Forgiveness? As leaders of Augosto Pinochet's dictatorial government repent, questions linger about the role of forgiveness in the face of oppression. 5 Jan 2017 | Meredith McFadden