Featured Byron Mason II | 2 Mar 2018 The Complex, Yet Remarkably Straightforward, Ethics of the N-Word Examining the history and contemporary use of the n-word reveals why it's so problematic for non-black people to say it.
Criminal Justice Daniel Beck | 17 Jan 2018 Are Undocumented Immigrants Obligated to Obey US Immigration Law? The debate around the fate of DACA requires an examination of what relationship undocumented immigrants should have to US immigration law.
Ethnic Identity in America: Remembering the Ni’ihau Incident In 1941, a damaged Japanese fighter plane landed on Ni'ihau after the Pearl Harbor attack. What happened next sparked lingering questions about the relationship between national and ethnic identity. 13 Dec 2017 | Alex Layton
Let Them Eat Cake: Public Accommodations and Religious Liberty in Colorado The Supreme Court will soon decide whether products like wedding cakes count as speech, and whether their makers can refuse to serve LGBTQ couples. 11 Dec 2017 | Kevin Guilfoy
Are Zero Tolerance Policies the Solution to Sexual Misconduct? In the wake of the #metoo campaign, some have pushed for zero tolerance policies for those accused of sexual assault. What would the implications of such a policy be? 4 Dec 2017 | Rachel Robison-Greene
A Story Seldom Told: Sexual Assault In Agriculture Sexual assaults do not only occur in the vacuum of Hollywood but rather there are everywhere you look. This article draws attention to sexual assault within the agriculture business. 2 Dec 2017 | Audrey Beale
Seeking Responsibility in the Deaths over Designer Sneakers When people are killed for their collectible sneakers, do the shoes' designers share any responsibility? 28 Nov 2017 | Byron Mason II
Telling Stories, Seeking Justice: The #MeToo Movement With discussions of sexual assault, #Metoo was renewed to provide voices for women. But in a society where many men still shun feminism, what else does it do? 26 Oct 2017 | Rachel Higson
To Understand America's Resistance to Gun Control, Look to Religion The fatalism that marks the gun rights movement's approach to gun safety is fundamentally intertwined with religious notions of evil. 25 Oct 2017 | Conner Gordon and Sarah Ertelt
The Moral Dimensions of the Research Reproducibility Crisis The sciences are facing a reproducibility crisis - a crisis that can only be solved by better valuing studies that work to reproduce existing results, rather than simply break new ground. 19 Oct 2017 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Harvey Weinstein and Addressing Hollywood's Unacceptable Reality Harvey Weinstein's record of sexual assault reveals an uncomfortable truth about sexual harassment in Hollywood - a truth that must be addressed. 17 Oct 2017 | Alex Layton
Evolving Apocalyptic Narratives and the Ethics of Fallout As our fears about the apocalypse have changed, so have our media depicting them. What do these new forms of media say about morality in a post-apocalyptic environment? 11 Oct 2017 | Sarah Ertelt
Our Alienation from Work Is the world becoming "post-work?" And if it is, how will that change the way we talk about our labor? 25 Sep 2017 | Summer Pappachen
Lord of the Flies and the Ethics of Genderbending Film Adaptations William Golding's classic novel will be soon be remade in movie form - only, this time, the people trapped on the island will all be girls. 15 Sep 2017 | Andrew Bobker
The Dangers of Ethical Fading in the Workplace When employees fail to recognize ethical dilemmas in the first place, no amount of training will help a company address ethics issues. 20 Jul 2017 | Sarah Ertelt
Taking Stock of Solitary Confinement's Mental Toll Though solitary confinement in prisons remains a divisive issue, evidence of the practice's detrimental effects is mounting. 18 Jul 2017 | Rachel Robison-Greene
South Sudan's Famine and the Moral Relevance of Distance Should we make decisions on humanitarian aid based on the proximity of those afflicted? 10 Jul 2017 | Daniel Beck
Diagnosis from a Distance: The Ethics of the Goldwater Rule Debates around psychiatrists' role in the political sphere have taken on new life under Donald Trump's presidency. 5 Jun 2017 | Daniel Beck
The Fire Beneath Our Feet Coal fires, furthered by mining and human activity, continue burn around the world - and many won't be extinguished for centuries. 25 May 2017 | Eleanor Price
Harm Reduction, Moral Relativism, and Female Genital Mutilation Formulating strategies to address female genital mutilation largely depend on the philosophical underpinnings guiding them. 22 May 2017 | Daniel Beck
Drug Addiction: Criminal Behavior or Public Health Crisis? How should societies balance the medical roots of addiction while addressing the social damage it causes? 11 May 2017 | Daniel Beck
A Trump-Themed People’s Climate March Intern Kiara Goodwine documents her experience at the 2017 People's Climate March. 9 May 2017 | Kiara Goodwine