Ethics in Culture Meredith McFadden | 24 Jul 2017 Finding New Language to Reimagine Disability Coming up with entirely new words for disability can avoid some of political correctness' many hurdles.
Ethics in Culture Gabriel Andrade | 28 Jun 2017 Media Sensationalism and the "Affaire Villemin" The case of four-year-old Gregory Villemin's murder has captivated French media - a trend with historical roots.
The Ethics of Amateur Podcast Sleuthing Podcasts like Serial have played a major role in criminal investigations. Should such shows be bound to a code of ethics? 14 Jun 2017 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Fearless Girl, Charging Bull... Sketchy Dog? The debate over two dueling Wall Street sculptures has seen a new contender - in this case, a peeing pug. 7 Jun 2017 | Carrie Robinson
The Handmaid’s Tale and Commodifying Reproduction Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, now a popular show, poses troubling parallels for surrogacy in the United States. 24 May 2017 | Meredith McFadden
Moral Panic and the "Blue Whale Game" Concern around a dubious internet game, reportedly linked to several teen suicides, resembles a moral panic more than anything else. 23 May 2017 | Gabriel Andrade
A Controversy around the Cheerleading Industry Cheerleading may uphold questionable views of women and gender roles. For some, it is also their life's passion. 17 May 2017 | Yuka Kitajima
A Clash of Cultures Atop New Zealand's Mount Taranaki Indigenous Maori groups object to a Playboy model's choice to take a nude photo atop one of their most important cultural sites. 15 May 2017 | Carrie Robinson
Fearless Girl, Charging Bull Wall Street's sculpture showdown provokes questions of artist intent in public art. 28 Apr 2017 | Carrie Robinson
Social Issues as Product Promotion: Exploitation or Artistic License? Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad isn't alone in tying economic profit to social justice advocacy 25 Apr 2017 | Emily Troyer
Are Superhero Films Truly Diversifying? Marvel and DC may have diversified their comic book characters, but that has yet to translate to the film industry. 14 Apr 2017 | Sarah Ertelt
Animal Abuse on Spring Break: The Case of Total Frat Move Total Frat Move's Instagram posts depicting potential animal abuse have prompted criticism. 13 Apr 2017 | Carrie Robinson
In Dana Schutz's Open Casket, Interrogating the Aesthetics of Erasure Rather than obscuring the forces that led to Emmett Till's murder, Dana Schutz's controversial painting of Till's open casket forces the viewer to reflect on racism's dehumanization. 30 Mar 2017 | Conner Gordon
Is Ivanka Trump Really "Complicit?" A recent SNL skit portrayed Ivanka Trump as sharing morally responsibility in her father's actions. Should she be blamed? 28 Mar 2017 | Kiara Goodwine
Richard Mosse and the Ethics of Photographing Crisis Richard Mosse's photos of the refugee crisis, taken with equipment originally used for military surveillance, spark questions of depicting the vulnerable. 8 Mar 2017 | Kiara Goodwine
Kim Stanley Robinson's Aurora and Intergenerational Responsibility Kim Stanley Robinson's latest work raises a key question: what do current generations owe to those who are not yet born? 1 Mar 2017 | Daniel Beck
Classical Sexism: Gender Bias and Female Conductors On gender bias and the lack of female conductors in the classic music industry. 24 Feb 2017 | Eleanor Price
Split and the Portrayal of Disassociative Identity Disorder Split's depiction of Disassociative Identity Disorder sparks questions of portraying a mental illness about which little is known. 23 Feb 2017 | Gail Enright
Hollywood Needs Diverse Directors Hollywood needs more diverse directors in order to be a truly inclusive industry. 15 Feb 2017 | Yuka Kitajima
Arrival, Nietzsche and Choosing Your Life If you were to see the triumphs and misfortunes of your life unfold ahead of you, would you choose to experience it? 14 Feb 2017 | Meredith McFadden
The Super Bowl, Badminton and the Athlete's Social Contract Controversies in professional sports reveal the implicit social contract between athletes and their spectators. 2 Feb 2017 | Daniel Beck
Belief in the Paranormal: Harmless Superstition or Moral Escapism? On whether superstition can be considered a harmless cultural practice. 18 Jan 2017 | Sarah Ertelt