Literature and Writing Cargile Williams | 22 Sep 2022 Dungeons & Dragons & Oppression Why the outcry over an enslaved race in a fantasy world far, far away?
Ethics in Culture James M. Okapal | 9 Sep 2022 Fantastic Beasts and How to Categorize Them How can we ensure that the list of beings in our moral community is neither too big nor too small but just right?
Blaming the Blasphemer Can a piece of art be held responsible for inspiring violence? 15 Aug 2022 | Giles Howdle
Amazon's Influence on Literature The virtual marketplace is having a profound effect on the commodification and consumption of literature. 2 Nov 2021 | Beatrice Harvey
The Moral Dimension of Literary Translation How do we ensure that works match author's intent when every word is loaded and every choice matters? 5 Oct 2021 | Beatrice Harvey
Debate over the Anti-Racist Reading List How should we approach the literature of racial justice, and how far can it take us? 16 Sep 2020 | Beatrice Harvey
Race, Authorship, and 'American Dirt': Who Owns Migration Narratives? The backlash over American Dirt raises important questions about our ability to inhabit the space of the Other. 31 Jan 2020 | Beatrice Harvey
Morality on the Side: Peter Handke and the Nobel Prize Literary criticism often encourages us to separate the art from the artist, but the Nobel Committee's recognition of Peter Handke makes the issue bigger than what's on the page. 18 Oct 2019 | Luka Ignac
Iris Murdoch and the Moral Dimensions of Literature Is morality to be found in abstracted and universalizable concepts and theories, or in the subjective, situatedness of characters rooted in their earthly contexts? What can literature tell us about our moral universe? 11 Sep 2019 | Desmonda Lawrence
Banned Books: Why the Restricted Section Is Where Learning Happens How should we balance the social and educational benefits of controversial literature with the danger it might pose for impressionable young minds? 6 May 2019 | Hira Ahmad
The Ethics of Telling All: What’s at Stake in Memoir Writing? In memoir writing, where's the line between tell-all and telling too much? 15 Apr 2019 | Zachary Batt
Classics in the Era of Trump Is it dangerous or productive to filter the Trump administration through the lens of classical studies? 11 Mar 2019 | Beatrice Harvey
Afrofuturism: The Beginning of the End for Stereotypical Black People in Media? Will the success of Black Pather herald a new age of Afrofuturism in media? 15 Mar 2018 | Byron Mason II
The Transplant Scenario in Fiction and Film Fictional representations of organ transplant scenarios offer valuable insights into the real-world practice. 4 Oct 2017 | Jean Kazez
The Handmaid’s Tale and Commodifying Reproduction Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, now a popular show, poses troubling parallels for surrogacy in the United States. 24 May 2017 | Meredith McFadden
Kim Stanley Robinson's Aurora and Intergenerational Responsibility Kim Stanley Robinson's latest work raises a key question: what do current generations owe to those who are not yet born? 1 Mar 2017 | Daniel Beck
Did Bob Dylan Deserve a Nobel? Bob Dylan's Nobel award opens up questions of music as literature, as well as how the Nobel committee chooses its honorees. 18 Oct 2016 | Carrie Robinson
The Sellout: Satire and Race Relations "The Sellout" uses satire to depict race relations, but is this an inappropriate way to address complex conversations, or a step toward a solution? 11 Oct 2016 | Leopoldo Burguete
Laughing at, or with, Hitler? Look Who's Back's brutal satire raises questions about juxtaposing comedy and tragedy. 24 Sep 2016 | Yuka Kitajima
This and That: The NRA's Firearm Fairy Tales Interns Conner Gordon and Connor McAndrew take a look at the NRA's controversial, firearm-themed retelling of childhood fairy tales. 15 Apr 2016 | Conner Gordon
Copyrighting Anne Frank's Diary On January 1, Anne Frank’s diary was published online by more than one person, despite outcry from the Anne Frank Fonds, the foundation founded by Anne’s father. The argument of the … Continue reading "Copyrighting Anne Frank’s Diary" 25 Jan 2016 | Amy Brown
Mein Kampf and German Censorship Part of Post-World War II policy in Germany was to ban Nazi propaganda and symbols from being displayed. This includes propaganda from the Nazi regime that we commonly see in … Continue reading "Mein Kampf and German Censorship" 8 Jan 2016 | Amy Brown