Civics Resources Rachel Robison-Greene | 15 Apr 2020 Moral Luck, Universalization, and COVID-19 Many who resist shelter in place orders cast their decision as a triumph of personal liberty over government overreach. But what of their duty to others?
Civics Resources Evan Butts | 13 Apr 2020 Freedom of Religion Is Not Absolute By what right can government officials prohibit worshipers from the physical and public practice of their faith?
Expertise in the Time of COVID What can we do when we are in no position to judge? 10 Apr 2020 | Jamie Watson
Gay Representation and 'Onward' Corporations often try to brand themselves as inclusive and progressive, but is there any substance behind these labels or is it all just marketing? 4 Mar 2020 | Beatrice Harvey
Race, Authorship, and 'American Dirt': Who Owns Migration Narratives? The backlash over American Dirt raises important questions about our ability to inhabit the space of the Other. 31 Jan 2020 | Beatrice Harvey
Collective Action and Climate Change: Consumption, Defection, and Motivation Should climate change policies aim at justice or fairness? 9 Jan 2020 | Meredith McFadden
On the Question of Strategic Voting What are our responsibilities at the ballot box? What does it mean for a vote to be insincere? Do we have an obligation to vote our conscience at the ballot box? 28 Oct 2019 | Matthew S.W. Silk
When Your Will Is Not Enough: Ethical Restrictions on Entering into Agreements A recent case highlights the conflict between paternalism and autonomy in the medical field. In what sense might one's decision to pursue an experimental treatment not be one's own? 30 Sep 2019 | Meredith McFadden
Procreative Autonomy and Climate Change Do we have an obligation to abstain from child-bearing given the growing climate crisis? 12 Sep 2019 | Smriti Karki
The Amazon Fires: Responsibility, Obligation, and the Limitations of the State Violating state sovereignty by intervening on environmental grounds is an under-discussed topic. As the world shrinks and our problems expand, what role will our modern conceptions of the nation-state play in our future? 30 Aug 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
Discussing Scientific Consensus on Climate Change Emphasizing consensus can motivate change, but overstating agreement undermines the public's ability to engage in policy debates. How should we proceed? 18 Jul 2019 | Matthew S.W. Silk
To Keep or Not to Keep? The US Electoral College and Presidential Representativeness Much has been written bemoaning the Electoral College, but the implications of mantras like "one person, one vote," or worries about political representation run much deeper. The NPVIC does nothing to address this. 10 Jul 2019 | Evan Butts
Press Freedom in Australia: Democracy, Transparency, and Trust Recent government raids on news organizations in Australia prompt discussion of the boundaries of categories like the public interest and national security threats. 13 Jun 2019 | Desmonda Lawrence
Fixing What We’ve Broken: Geoengineering in Response to Climate Change Geoengineering is often touted as the cure for fallout due to climate change. What does it promise and what are the risks? 21 May 2019 | Rachel Robison-Greene
Is the Filibuster Democratic? Is a tool used as obstruction to legislation antithetical to the Senate's purpose, or perfectly attuned to it? 17 May 2019 | Alex Layton
What's Wrong with State Media? Recent accusations that Fox News is a propaganda machine might strike some as hyperbole, but there is a real danger in the dwindling line between the government and news organizations. 20 Mar 2019 | Andrew Bobker
Sparking Joy: The Ethics of Medically-Induced Happiness What should our outlook be on "medically induced" happiness? Is it the same as "natural" happiness? 15 Mar 2019 | Andrew Bobker
Passing the Mirror Test and the Wrong of Pain We often define the moral community on the basis of whether a being is self-aware or not. But what happens when our scientific conceptions of consciousness change? 7 Mar 2019 | Meredith McFadden
Climate Change and the Philosophical Pitfalls of Grounding Duty to Future Generations In climate change rhetoric, we often focus on future generations. What's the moral underpinning of this argument? 1 Mar 2019 | Desmonda Lawrence
Unpacking the Tactic of Shutting Down the Government Government shutdowns are often a highly partisan issue. So how should we parse the most recent one? 21 Feb 2019 | Alex Layton
In Colorado, The Right to Comprehensive Sex Education Colorado students are testifying in favor of a bill that would make comprehensive sex education the norm in public schools, but not all parents are happy with the legislation. 20 Feb 2019 | Haley Thompson
The US, the UN, and Human Rights Investigations The US's recent decision to halt cooperating with UN human rights investigations sets a dangerous precedent - and endangers lives. 18 Jan 2019 | Meredith McFadden